Bagi panjenengan yang ingin menambahkan suatu ekspresi wajah disaat posting, silahkan copy paste kode-kode berikut ini, untuk ditempatkan sesuai keinginan. Bisa diujung, ditengah maupun di belakang kalimat.
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
:Dbig grin
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
;;)batting eyelashes
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=20 height=18 border=0>
:xlove struck
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
≪img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
=((broken heart
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=34 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
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<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=22 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
:straight face
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
/:)raised eyebrow
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
=))rolling on the floor
<img src="" width=30 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=30 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=24 height=18 border=0>
=;talk to the hand
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
Yahoo hidden emoticons
:o3puppy dog eyes - New!
<img src="" width=31 height=18 border=0>
:-??I don't know
<img src="" width=40 height=18 border=0>
%-(not listening
<img src="" width=52 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=21 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
%%-good luck
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=17 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
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<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
$-)money eyes
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=22 height=18 border=0>
b-(feeling beat up
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
:)>-peace sign
<img src="" width=22 height=18 border=0>
[-Xshame on you
<img src="" width=22 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=26 height=18 border=0>
>:/bring it on
<img src="" width=23 height=18 border=0>
;))hee hee
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=36 height=18 border=0>
^:)^not worthy
<img src="" width=32 height=18 border=0>
:-joh go on
<img src="" width=26 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
<img src="" width=18 height=18 border=0>
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